Air Abrasion: is used as a non-invasive method to pinpoint and remove the earliest signs of decay while helping preserve as much of the tooth structure as possible.
Composite Fillings: are applied to repair minor dental cracks, fractures, or other damage to the biting surfaces of teeth. We can shape the white, composite material to match with your surrounding teeth.
Porcelain Crowns: are not only discreet, but they are also versatile and can be used to complete or correct numerous oral health complications. Crowns fit over a treated tooth to protect against reinfection, halt further decay, and persevere what’s left of the tooth’s structure.
Inlays: are similar to a traditional filling and fits inside the top edge of a tooth for an effortless and discreet repair.
Onlays: are more extensive and extend over the cusp of a treated tooth for optimal coverage.
Root Canal Therapy: is one of the last lines of defense when decay or infection threaten the health of a tooth. The contamination is removed properly by our specialist, Dr. Dao, to ensure no further damage invades the inner workings of the tooth.
Extractions: are necessary when an affected tooth is past the point of saving with root canal therapy. We perform gentle extractions to restore optimal oral health.