Rejuvenate the Health, Function, and Beauty of Your Smile

dental implantIf you’re missing teeth, finding the right replacement is critical to regaining self-confidence, preserving long-lasting oral health and proper dental function. At Plaza Family Dental Group, our team of qualified dental professionals offers implant dentistry for rebuilding your smile after tooth loss.

Contact us today to get your oral health back on track with comprehensive dental implant treatment!

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants consist of body-safe titanium posts used to act as artificial tooth roots for replacing teeth lost due to trauma, extraction, or decay from severe gum disease. An implant is designed to look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth.

Implant posts are permanently placed into the jaw and can offer patients the benefit of a long-term tooth replacement primarily because of their ability to fuse with living tissue and bone. This process, called osseointegration, provides restored strength and durability to your jawbone.

Request an Implant Consultation

Increasing Your Chances of Successful Implant Treatment

While successful implant placement into the jaw bone requires a certain amount of bone density, we can implement procedures such as bone grafting or ridge augmentation to improve bone quality. Once the jaw has been strengthened, almost any patient can be a candidate for dental implants.

Dental implants are a popular option for patients missing more than one tooth. For these individuals, our team places multiple dental implants to support a more substantial restoration. With implant bridges and implant dentures provided by us, patients can enjoy the added benefits of restorations supported by dental implants.

The Implant Process Explained

Starting with your first consultation at our Lorton-Springfield oral surgery practice, Dr. Patel uses advanced diagnostic tools to determine your restoration needs. During the implant consultation, in-depth images of your teeth and jaw are taken and used to create a placement strategy. Once this treatment plan is complete, you’ll meet with our doctors to discuss treatment, restoration, and sedation options.

Implant placement is a straightforward procedure. After the implant is securely placed into the jaw, patients return to our oral surgery practice for check-ups and to ensure the implant is integrating into the bone tissue. Once this process is complete, patients return to their general dentist for the placement of their restoration.

Improve your Smile Today

From your first consultation through the final follow-up appointment, our team is committed to helping you achieve a beautiful smile that lasts. To learn more about all the benefits dental implants have to offer, call Plaza Family Dental Group today to discuss your treatment options.


Send Us A Message

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.

Plaza Family Dental Group
All that is good begins with a SMILE.

The team at Plaza Family Dental Group is dedicated to General, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry with services including Dental Exams, Dental Makeovers, Teeth Whitening, Veneers, Crowns, X-rays, Fluoride, Cleanings, & more. Be sure to visit Plaza Family Dental Group in Carlsbad to improve your smile, today!


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